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Course Syllabus

Course: MUSC 1736

Division: Fine Arts, Comm, and New Media
Department: Music
Title: Private Strings I

Semester Approved: Summer 2024
Five-Year Review Semester: Spring 2029
End Semester: Spring 2030

Catalog Description: This course provides individual musical instruction. Private instruction is required of all music majors each semester. Music performance majors are required to take 60-minute lessons each week. All students are also required to participate in regular master classes, recitals and juries which fulfill the lab portion of the course. The course is also available to non-music majors who wish to develop their musicianship and performance skills. An additional fee is required.

Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 1; Lecture: 2; Lab: 0

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Justification: As an accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), Snow College is required to provide competent private instruction for music majors in all vocal and instrumental specialties. Private instruction is required of music majors in four-year music degree programs and must appear on student transcripts. This course offers an excellent opportunity for all Snow College students to develop musicianship and performance skills. Courses of this type are taught at all NASM accredited institutions in Utah.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Develop good practice habits, and keep track of practice hours using a practice journal or log sheet.

 Students will submit the record at the end of the semester to the instructor, as part of the grading process.

Learn and refine motor skills and basic technique required for performance. Technical skills will be discussed and assessed during each private lesson and as part of juries and performances.

Learn musical literature (appropriate to skill level) from a wide variety of stylistic periods. Literature will be chosen by the student and teacher and assessed for progress by the teacher on a weekly basis during private lessons.

Memorize music for performance (where appropriate).  Performing music from memory will be assessed during public performances.

Perform an end-of-semester jury.  As part of the course grade, students will perform for the other string faculty in a string jury.

Perform in master classes, recitals and other public events.  As required, and under the direction of the teacher, students will be asked to perform in recitals and similar venues as part of the class grade.

This course will include combinations of the following elements:Practice journal development.Correct body posture including hand and feet positions and movement techniques.Development of tone within different ranges of the instrument.Development of dynamic ranges.Study of language necessary to perform music appropriately.Study of major and minor scales and arpeggios. Study of method books and etudes appropriate to student playing level. Study of solo repertoire appropriate for first-year college students and/or the individual level of the student. Music literature will be chosen from a variety of sources and styles. Instruction in performance practice appropriate to stylistic periods.Development of performance technique, including memorization techniques, stage deportment and anxiety management. Study and practice will be assessed through instructor feedback and public performance.

Key Performance Indicators:
Each student will be evaluated on:

Attendance at lessons 25 to 35%

Documented practice hours 25 to 35%

Master class/recital participation and performance 25 to 35%

Jury participation and performance 15 to 25%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Repertoire will vary depending on student background, experience and ability level. Individual repertoire for each stringed instrument may include but is not limited to the following: Baroque Period Partitas and Suites, Classical and Romantic Period Sonatas and Concertos, Character Pieces from the Romantic Period, and selected literature from the 20th Century. Etude books may include Foundation Studies for the Violin by Franz Wohlfardt, Practical Viola Method by Hans Sitt, 170 Foundation Studies for Violoncello by Alwin Schroeder, and New Method for String Bass by Franz Simandl.

Pedagogy Statement:
Selection of music literature will allow for a wide variety of possible sources, composers of various gender, time periods, national origins, ethnic styles, etc.. Students will learn through guided practice, demonstration, graded exercises, feeback, and discussion based mentoring. Discussions during individual lessons will address said musical styles, their importance, and how to perform them in an accurate and understanding manner. All students in private lessons will be treated with respect and in an equitable way.

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 1
Optimum Class Size: 1