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Course Syllabus

Course: ENGL 2940

Division: Humanities
Department: English & Philosophy
Title: Writing Portfolio

Semester Approved: Fall 2020
Five-Year Review Semester: Summer 2026
End Semester: Spring 2026

Catalog Description: This course is the capstone course for the Certificate of Proficiency in Writing and Rhetoric. It will cover the revision of previous writing and completion of an ePortfolio to showcase writing in a professional setting.

Semesters Offered: TBA
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 1; Lecture: 1; Lab: 0

Prerequisites: ENGL 2040

Justification: This course is the capstone course for the Certificate of Proficiency in Writing and Rhetoric. As a high-impact course, it will provide students with tangible evidence of their learning at Snow College and preparation for writing in any career. Similar certificates at other schools (such as Salt Lake Community College) require a portfolio to receive the certificate.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will assess rhetoric in authentic genres from a variety of contexts.
 This will be assessed through the ePortfolio and reflection.

Students will write clearly, professionally, and in ways appropriate to a range of rhetorical situations.
 This will be assessed through the ePortfolio, collaborative assignment, and presentation.

Students will reflect on and gain insights from their own writing processes, strategies, and products.
 This will be assessed through the ePortfolio, reflection, and presentation.

Students will be able to create an ePortfolio.  This will be assessed through the ePortfolio and reflection.

This course will cover the completion and management of an ePortfolio (begun in ENGL 2040: Intro. to Writing Studies), including how to select artifacts, how to design, and how to present the portfolio. It will also cover elements of the writing process, including reflection, giving and receiving feedback, and revision.

Key Performance Indicators:
ePortfolio and reflection (required) 60 to 80%

Presentation 10 to 30%

Collaborative assignment 10 to 30%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Open source texts strongly encouraged; instructor may choose an ePortfolio textbook or handbook, such as the following:

Bullock, Richard H., Michal Brody, and Francine Weinberg. The Little Seagull Handbook.

Pedagogy Statement:
This course is a capstone course that includes the following high-impact practices: ePortfolios and writing intensive and collaborative assignments. It will be taught primarily through discussion, peer review, and reflection.

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 20
Optimum Class Size: 15