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Performance Auditions

For additional information about performance auditions email


Badgers in a Bathtub (Snow Improvisation Team)

Badgers in a Bathtub is a comedy improvisation tour troupe.  The intention of this class is to develop and strengthen skills in improvisation as well as having performances on-campus and off-campus. This is a class and will require registration.  Please make sure you have room in your schedule.

Any Current Snow College students are welcome to audition.


Auditions will be held Tuesday, August 27 and Thursday, August 29 at 2:00pm in the Eccles Center Haslam Black Box Theatre (L100)

For those cast, class will take place Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00-3:15pm  

Performances will take place Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00pm (Notice for all performances will be given)  Additional performances will take place remotely throughout the semester.  Excuse letters will be provided if these performances interfere with class time.   



Jane Austen’s Persuasion, adapted by Melissa Leilani Larson, directed by Jenn Chandler


Auditions will be held Monday August 28, 2024 from 5:30 - 7:00pm in the Eccles Center Kim Christison Theatre Mainstage

What to Prepare

  • Come prepared with two contrasting monologues.
  • These should be two minutes or less when performed together, so each monologue will likely be a minute or less. 

More information can be found on the signup link.



Note: Performers of all races, ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, are encouraged and invited to attend this audition and will be considered for all roles.

Please send any questions or concerns to


the lightning thief

The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical

Any students, community members, faculty or staff are welcome to audition.


Monday, September 16 6:00pm.  The location TBD (likely the Eccles Center Haslam Black Box Theatre).  Callbacks will take place the following evening.

What to prepare  

  • Please prepare 16 bars of a song (any style) that shows a great deal of character personality. 
  • Accompanists will be provided. 
  • Sheet music should be readable and clearly marked. 
  • No recorded music will be permitted.

Note:  Pick a song that you love and that you love to sing.  Please bring a lot of character to the song.  Think singers from pop culture, historical figures, fictional characters, etc.  We're not looking for "impressions", per se, but more so invocations of characters.



Auditions: November 18, 5:00pm-11:00pm

  • Prepare a one minute monologue
  • 32 bar cut of a song.

Dance Workshop:  November 16, 10:00am - 12:00pm (Not required, but highly recommended)

Call backs:  November 19, 5:00pm - 11:00pm

More information can be found on the signup link.



An Enemy of the people

An Enemy of the People performance dates April 16-19 & 21-24 (Located in the Black Box Theatre)

Any students, community members, faculty or staff are welcome to audition.

Cast of 8-12 people

Auditions:  January 22, 6:00pm

  • Prepare a concise, highly motivated monologue from 1850 or later, lasting no more than 60 seconds. Exceeding the time limit will result in being cut off.
  • Avoid using accents
  • Incorporate intentional, engaging movement

Call Backs: January 23

For questions and more information, contact Josh at

When The Cows Come Home

Theatre Guild's One Act devised musical:  A country western story with LGBTQIA+ characters

Cast of up to 10 people.

Performance dates April 1-3

Auditions:  January 22, 6:00pm

  • Prepare 16 bars of music, in a musical theatre comedy style

Call Backs: January 23