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The theatre faculty at Snow College consists of five full-time faculty members and other qualified Adjuncts. They are specifically trained in the areas of theatre history and literature, lighting, scenic design, acting, directing, costuming, makeup, and technical theatre. In addition to their academic qualifications they bring a broad range of experience in professional theatre from within Utah and elsewhere. Click the professors names for additional information.

Contact Us

Snow College Theatre Arts Department
Box 1021
150 College Ave.
Ephraim, UT 84627

Jess Wallace

Jess Wallace

Assistant Professor, Costume Design and Construction Makeup, Theatre Co-Chair

Josh Patterson

Josh Patterson

Assistant Professor and Technical Director, Theatre Co-Chair

Trent Bean

Trent Bean

Associate Professor

Jenn Chandler

Jenn Chandler

Assistant Professor

Charley Roetting

Charley Roetting

Assistant Professor


  • Brandon Davis - Scenic Shop Foreman
  • Deanna Sorenson - Costume Shop Manager